Vsioni Arts
Vsioni Arts aims to connect the world to critically acclaimed Malaysian Contemporary Art. This will add value to the art through action plans as well as strategic moves and provide the future potential the market deserves.
Selected art works from the collection are being loaned to museums so that the art can be shared publicly.
Selected Works From Our Art Collection
Ahmad Fuad - Shattered Dream, 2008, 122x92cm, Acrylic on canvas 2
Ahmad Fuad Osman - The Drowning 2 (Lost Series), 1995, 151cm x 183cm, Oil on canvas
Ahmad Fuad Osman - Longing for Freedom, 1995, 183x151cm, Oil on canvas
Ahmad Fuad Osman - Looking for Reality or Fantasy, 1997, 130x96cm, Oil on canvas
Ahmad Fuad Osman, Lost Series #1, 1993, 76 x 123 cm,Oil on canvas
Ahmad Fuad Osman - Waiting for Inspiration, 1996, 112 x 153 cm, Oil on canvas
Alan Tan
Ali Nurazamal - Autopilot, 2016, 2016, 189 x 189 cm, Oil on canvas
Ali Nurazamal - Imitation Master After Caravaggio, Just Swipe It, 2017, 183 x 273 cm, Oil on canvas
Ali Nurazamal - Imitation Master After Caravaggio, Time And Space, 2013, 330 x 153 cm, Oil on canvas
Ali Nurazamal - Infernal Affair, 2012, 168 x 168 cm, Oil on canvas
Ali Nurazamal - Shark Song 2, 2012, 136 x 122 cm, Oil on Canvas
Ali Nurazamal - Smoking Tiger, 2014, 243 x 137 cm, Oil on canvas
Ali Nurazamal Pursuit of Happiness, 2013, 153 x 510 cm, Oil on canvas
Anthonie Chong - Morning, 1998, 103 x 127 cm, Oil on canvas,
Anthonie Chong - Untitled,1993, 45.5 x 70.5cm, Oil on canvas
Anuar Rashid - Mihraj - It's Just There, 2010, 262 x 257
Anuar Rashid - The Third Arrival, 2012, 295 x 244 cm
Anuar Rashid - Good Bye Spaceship Earth, 2013, 255 x 350 cm
Anuar Rashid - Tawaf - The Circumambulation On Planet Earth, 2013, 287 x 287 cm
Azrin Mohamad - The Chair, 2013, 173 x 123 cm, Mixed media
Bert Håge Havero, 1989, 49 x 57 cm, Oil on canvas
Chinese red teak wood panel with gold leaf drawing
Chinese wood carving
Chua Thean Teng, Dato - The Mothers and the Child, 1970, 60 x 92 cm, Batik
Eng Tay - Companion, 2006, 177 x 133 cm, Oil on canvas
Eng Tay - Jubilation II, Sculpture
Eng Tay - Lito 1, Litography
Eng Tay - Lito 2, Litography
Fauzin Mustafa - Eclipse Throughout the Night, 2001, 92 x 122cm, Mixed media on canvas
Eng Tay - Spring Festival, 2004, 172 x 122 cm, Oil on canvas
Eng Wee Chu - Black Moon 13, 1992, 228 x 167 cm, Acrylic on canvas
Fauzan Omar - Layer Series (Baltimore), 1983/84,122x122cm, Mixed media collage on canvas
Fauzan Omar - Layer series/ The Hanging Garden, 1991-92, 180x150cm, Acrylic and mixed media collage
Fauzan Omar - The Reef, Series Low Tide 2, 1990/1992, 153 x 183 cm, Pasted cut canvas, acrylic & mixed media
Fauzin Mustafa - Searching for Convergence, 2016, 128 x 128 cm, Green Mixed Media on Canvas
Fauzin Mustafa - Searching for Convergence, 2016, 128 x 128 cm, Red Mixed Media on Canvas
Fauzin Mustafa - untitled, 1996, 183 x 183 cm, Mixed media on canvas
Fauzin Mustafa- The Missing Link,1996, 153 x 214 cm, Mixed media on canvas
Haafiz Shahimi - Belum Pernah Ada Judul 2, 2014, 153 x 153 cm, Oil on canvas
Haafiz Shahimi - Dance of the unleashed spirit 2, 2014, 153 x 153 cm, Oil on canvas
Hafiz Shahimi - Untitled, 2018, Pyro
Hamir Shoib - Frozen, 2009, 122 x 122 cm, Mixed media on canvas
Hamir Shoib - No(n) Sense, 2008, 152 x 183 cm, Oil on canvas
Hamir Shoib - Terima Kasih Tan Seri, 2012, 144 x 144 cm, Bitumen & acrylic on canvas
Hamir Shoib - Wet Cat, 2014, 90 x 150 cm, Bitumen & acrylic on jute
Hamir Soib - The Eruption of Desire, 2009, 157x168cm, Mixed media on canvas
Hashim Hannoon - Untitled, 2004, 92 x 92 cm, Oil on vanvas
Husin Hourmain - Dal, 2011, 305 x 152 cm, Acrylic on canvas
Husin Hourmain - Hamzah, 183 x 152 cm, Acrylic on canvas
Husin Hourmain - SOD, 2010, 213 x 152 cm, Acrylic on canvas
Ismadi Sallehudin - Inspired of gold, 2004, 133 x 152 cm, Oil on canvas
Jaafar Ahmadh 1, 2004, 34.4 x 36.5 cm
Jaafar Ahmadh 2, 2004, 34.4 x 36.5 cm
Jailani - Alam Benda, 1983, 50 x 35 cm, Watercolour on paper
Jolly Koh - Evening Glow I, 2004, 67 x 66 cm, Oil and acrylic on canvas
Jolly Koh - Hang Li Poh, 2005, 81 x 122 cm, Acrylic on Canvas
Jolly Koh - Philosphofer's Garden, 2004, 91 x 91 cm, Oil on canvas
Khalil Ibrahim - Vivacity I, 2003, 96.5 x 104 cm, Acrylic on canvas
Khalil Ibrahim - East Coast Series, 1995, 39 x 30 cm, Water colour on paper
Khalil Ibrahim - The Spirit of the East Coast and Sanur, 2002, 44 x 56 cm, Ink on paper
Masnor Ramli Mahmud - The Slandar, 1999, 122 x 152 cm, Mixed media on canvas
Mohd Fadli Yousoff - Catan Diri - Dua Dalam Kesatuan, 2012, 168 x 137, Acrylic on canvas
Nizar Kamal Ariffin (2012) Siri Pohon Beringin - Tumbuh, 137 x 137cm 2
Chinese, Watercolour on paper
Putu Sutuwijaya - Making Love II, 2000, 140 x 145 cm, Acrylic on canvas
Raja Lope - Blue and Bold, 2011, 137 x 153 cm, Airbrush & acrylic on canvas
Shooshie Sulaiman - Demokrasi ke 13, 2014, 21 x 46 cm, Oil on boxboard & newspaper
Shooshie Sulaiman - Komunis, 2014, 54 x 79 cm, Oil on boxboard & newspaper
Shooshie Sulaiman - NGO, 2014, 54 x 79 cm, Oil on boxboard & newspaper
Shooshie Sulaiman - Propaganda ke 13, 2014, 21 x 46 cm, Oil on boxboard & newspaper
Shooshie Sulaiman - Subculture, 2014, 54 x 79 cm, Oil on boxboard & newspaper
Srihadi Sudarsono. 1986, 132 x 98 cm, Oil on canvas
V A Sudiro - 1989, Oil on canvas
Yusoff Ghani - Siri Tari, 1993, 137 x 125, Oil on canvas
Tan Chin Guan - Rainy Day, 2012, 132 x 189 cm, Oil
Zulkifli Yusoff - Untitled, 1998, 142 x 144 cm, Mixed media on canvas
Zulkifli Yusoff - Amok 2 (malay Sketches), 2006, 122 x 184 cm, Oil on canvas