As one of the fastest growing economies in the world, there are many reasons to invest in Malaysia:
- Malaysia is one of the fastest growing countries in Asia
- The government encourages entrepreneurship and innovation
- With a diverse resource base of energy, raw materials, manufactured goods and information technology products, Malaysia is one of the world’s largest producers of microchips
- Malaysia benefits from a well developed financial and banking sector and is one of the leading counties in Islamic banking
- Malaysia has a mature and modern infrastructure development including telecommunication, roads, ports, international and domestic airports
- The country’s economy (GDP) grew 5% last year (2015)
- Some of the best-known brands in the world are made in Malaysia including Intel, Panasonic, Motorola, Dell, Sony, Hewlett Packard and Nestle
- There is no capital gains tax for equities in Malaysia
- Malaysia has a real property gains tax of 5% applied to property held by non-citizens if disposed off after 6 years, while companies and foreign buyers are taxed at 5%
- Malaysia My Second Home Program - an opportunity for foreigners to live and retire in Malaysia benefitting from no tax on source income outside Malaysia